Bikini Body Trainer

Day 8:Glutes & Delts

Glutes & Delts

We’re back to work with my favorite muscle groups—glutes and delts. I hope you’re feeling fully recovered after yesterday’s rest day and are energized for this session. This workout has a blend of rep ranges, with some high sets and some more moderate sets. When you see these differences, you need to adjust your weight selection accordingly. You will need to pick a lighter weight for sets with higher reps, so you can perform each rep. The weight can be heavier for the sets with lower or moderate reps. This way you’ll challenge the muscle in a variety of ways in the same workout. This is a longer session, and to make sure you get each rep done, you’ll need your PRE-KAGED before heading to the gym today.

Barbell Hip Thrust

Sets: 4

Reps: 10,5,20,20

Barbell Walking Lunge

Sets: 4

Reps: 10 steps each leg

Back Extension

Sets: 2

Reps: 30


Sets: 4

Reps: 20

Lateral Raise Machine

Sets: 4

Reps: 20

Alternating Dumbbell Front Raise

Sets: 4

Reps: 10

Reverse Cable Fly

Sets: 4

Reps: 10

Six Ways

Sets: 2

Reps: 12

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