Kris Gethin's Beginner Trainer

Overview: Introduction

Who Is Kris Gethin?

Let me start by introducing myself so that you feel confident trusting me to help you get the results you’re looking for. My work in the fitness industry has included the creation of an online training series which has been downloaded over 150 million times. I’ve also published several award-winning books and have trained different celebrities for roles in movies. Today, I am the CEO of KAGED, a supplement company which prides itself on its innovation and thoroughly researched products. These accomplishments have been the result of many years of experience – learning from other experts in the fitness industry, working as a coach, running my own gym, and being an editor for companies such as FLEX magazine and

If you’re looking for a coach who will take it easy on you and ease you into a plan, turn away now because I am not that person. However, if you’re fed up with getting mediocre results from basic plans and want to get into amazing shape, you’ve come to the right place.

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