8-Week Hardcore Daily Video Trainer - Banner Image

DAY 29:Quads

Can you believe it’s the beginning of week 5 already and I’ve weighed in at 215.2 lbs?! That’s a loss of just half a pound, which might not seem like much, but this is where you need to use the mirror as your guide as well. It’s clear to see from my reflection that I’m getting leaner and I’m also bigger, which explains why the scales aren’t moving as quickly now. This is what happens when you commit to your diet plan without any excuse, use the world’s best supplements and train like a savage beast.

Let’s make this week our best yet, starting with a brutal leg workout. If you’re able to complete this one, tag me on Instagram and use hashtag #Hardcoretrainer2.

This week we’re using my DTPXtreme principle, which combines high and low reps with short rest periods for maximal penetration within the muscle. This variation of DTP matches the reps and rest periods, so if you get 30 reps, you earn 30 seconds of rest before doing the next set. The goal is to always go as heavy as you can in order to sustain intensity. Remember that each rep range is simply a guide; if you can do more because the weight is too light, DO THEM! If it’s too heavy, just rest-pause all the way to the end of the set.

Morning Cardio - 40 Minutes

Legs, Calves, and Abs Workout


1. Leg Extensions
6 Sets x 30, 20, 10, 10, 20, 30 Reps
- Rest periods between each set equals the number of reps completed, in seconds. For example, if you complete 30 reps, rest for 30 seconds. Following the third set only, rest for a total of 2 minutes, then begin the fourth set.

Superset (3 Sets)

2a. Hack Squat
30, 25, 20 Reps
2b. Reverse Hack Squat
20, 25, 30 Reps
* Use a narrow stance on both exercises.
- 30 seconds rest following the first superset
- 25 seconds rest following the second superset
3. Leg Press
6 Sets x 30, 20, 10, 10, 20, 30 Reps
- Rest periods between each set equals the number of reps completed, in seconds. For example, if you complete 30 reps, rest for 30 seconds. Following the third set only, rest for a total of 2 minutes, then begin the fourth set.


4. Seated Calf Raises
6 Sets x 30, 20, 10, 10, 20, 30 Reps
- Rest periods between each set equals the number of reps completed, in seconds. For example, if you complete 30 reps, rest for 30 seconds. Following the third set only, rest for a total of 2 minutes, then begin the fourth set.


Superset x 5

5a. Hanging Windshield Wipers
5b. Lying Windshield Wipers
- 60 seconds of rest between supersets

Evening Cardio - 40 Minutes

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