8-Week Hardcore Daily Video Trainer - Banner Image

DAY 9:Chest & Shoulders

Today I’m feeling particularly sore after my leg workout yesterday. This is quite normal and you should expect the same. This is just a by product of training with such intensity, which is what you have to do in order to force those results. To help alleviate my tender muscles today, I’m visiting Dr. Watson again for my back realignment and electric pulse treatment. This helps reduce tension within my muscles, which facilitates quicker recovery between workouts.

Then it’s time for another chest and shoulders workout!

Morning Cardio - 25 Minutes

Chest & Shoulders Workout


1. Hammer Press
3 Sets x 20, 15, 10/10* Reps
hammer-press-position-a hammer-press-position-b
*Third set is a drop set. Perform 10 reps, then immediately reduce the weight and complete another 10 reps. Use Resistance bands for added intensity
- 45 seconds of rest between sets.

2. Incline Smith Machine Press
3 sets x 20, 10, 10/10* Reps
smith-machine-press-position-a smith-machine-press-position-b
*Third set is a drop set. Perform 10 reps, then immediately reduce the weight and complete another 10 reps. Use Resistance bands for added intensity
- 60 seconds of rest between sets

3. Seated Cable Fly
3 Sets x 20, 15, 10/10* Reps
seated-cable-fly-position-a seated-cable-fly-position-b
*Third set is a drop set. Perform 10 reps, then immediately reduce the weight and complete another 10 reps. Use Resistance bands for added intensity.
- 60 seconds of rest between sets.

4. Wide-Hands Pushup
3 Sets x Failure
banded-pushup-position-a banded-pushup-position-b
*Use resistance bands for added intensity. When using bands, perform 15 reps, then remove the band and go to failure using bodyweight only.
- 60 seconds of rest between sets.


5. Barbell Front Raise & Shoulder Press Combo
3 Sets x 10 Reps
wide-grip-front-raise-position-a wide-grip-front-raise-position-a
wide-grip-front-raise-position- wide-grip-front-raise-position-d
*Grasp bar with wider than shoulder-width grip. Starting with the front raise, raise the bar overhead and pause at the top of the movement. Bend elbows to slowly lower bar to shoulder height, then press back up and lower bar back to thighs, keeping arms straight. That’s one rep. Repeat for reps.
- 90 seconds of rest between sets.

6. Barbell Side Raise
3 x 10/10*
single-arm-side-raise-position-a single-arm-side-raise-position-b
*All three sets are drop sets. For each set, start with banded barbell side raises for 10 reps, then remove the band and complete another 10 reps each arm.
- 60 seconds of rest between sets.

7. Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly
3 Sets x 20* Reps
rear-delt-fly-position-c rear-delt-fly-position-d
rear-delt-fly-position-e rear-delt-fly-position-f
*Performed lying facedown on an incline bench. For the first set, perform 10 reps with palms facing backward, then turn palms toward each other and perform another 10 reps. Immediately drop the dumbbells and grasp hold of a resistance band and go to failure. That’s one set.
For the second and third set, replace banded rear delt flyes with banded overhead shoulder presses to failure. Place the band under feet and grasp with both hands, pressing overhead.
- 60 seconds of rest between sets.

Evening Cardio - 25 Minutes

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