This is a repeat of the glute-ham raises workout for the same sets and reps you performed for week 2. Now you should also be using the bar—your spotter—for far less support. While it’s crucial to vary your workouts from one week to another, it’s also valuable to repeat a workout a couple months after you haven’t performed it. This will allow you to see how this one compares to that previous workout—this is especially helpful if you’re keeping a workout journal of your exercises, sets, reps, and weights.
* To increase results from glute-ham raises you can also increase time under tension. This simply means that you should take more time to perform each rep while relying less on the support bar as your spotter. At this point, you should use the bar only to balance yourself.
* Notice that I’m also placing the bar out a bit farther to increase the stretch in my hamstrings. Check out my video to see how I do this.
* Don’t forget that you can train another body part when you’re on this plateau-busting series for hamstrings. I recommend adding calves on the days when your hamstrings are fried, but you still want to perform more exercise volume
Glute-ham raises
10 Sets / 10 Reps
3 minutes of rest, stretching between sets.
TIP: Do not forget about the importance of nutrition in supporting improvements in your hamstrings. Muscles grow through re-feeding. While supplements are an important component of this, you also need to get in plenty of quality calories from protein, slow-digesting carbs, and healthy dietary fats.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the human body, and it can be synthesized from other amino acids. When your body has a greater need for glutamine, such as when you’re on an intense training program, it may break down muscle tissue for this purpose. Supplementing Fermented Glutamine helps prevent this.
Check out my video for detailed tips on how to perform glute-ham raises—you can also check out my week 2 video for more info.