8 Week Muscle Building Trainer Main Image


Your nutrition program is one of the most important aspects of successfully building muscle mass. As I mentioned in my previous videos, nothing has been left to chance. It’s important that you follow everything I recommend for nutrition, in addition to following my training program.

If you aren’t precise with the quality of your meals—along with the timing and consistency that I recommend—then you’ll likely be disappointed with your results, especially when comparing yours to those on my Facebook page who followed my plan to the letter. Consuming the correct ratio of macronutrients and micronutrients and the timing of these meals are part of achieving amazing, unprecedented gains.

Here’s how to calculate your macronutrient requirements on your training days:

Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight
Carbohydrates: 2.5 grams per pound of bodyweight
Fats: 0.25 grams per pound of bodyweight

Here’s an example of what a 180-pound person should consume on training days:

Protein: 270 grams (about 33% of total calories)
Carbohydrates: 450 grams (about 55% of total calories)
Fats: 45 grams (about 12% of total calories)

3,285 or a little more than 18 calories per pound of bodyweight

Here’s how to calculate your macronutrient requirements on non-training days:

Protein: 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight
1.0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0.55 grams per pound of bodyweight

And here’s an example of what a 180-pound person should consume on non-training days:

Protein: 270 grams (about 40% of total calories)
180 grams (about 27% of total calories)
99 grams (about 33% of total calories)

2,690 or a little less than 15 calories per pound of bodyweight

Nutrition Calculator

Use your total bodyweight not lean mass. Be sure to enter your weight at the start of each new week.

Weight: Pounds


PROTEIN: 0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0 grams or about 33% of total calories
CARBS: 0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0 grams or about 55% of total calories
FATS: 0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0 grams or about 12% of total calories
TOTAL CALORIES: 0 or a little more than 18 calories per pound of bodyweight
PROTEIN: 0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0 grams or about 40% of total calories
CARBS: 0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0 grams or about 27% of total calories
FATS: 0 grams per pound of bodyweight
0 grams or about 33% of total calories
TOTAL CALORIES: 0 or a little more than 18 calories per pound of bodyweight


On Sundays, your second non-training day, you’ll fast for 16 hours. Then you’ll have an eight-hour window to consume meals. If you stop eating at 8 p.m. on Saturday night, then you won’t eat again until noon on Sunday. But if you eat a meal at midnight on Saturday, then you won’t consume your next meal until 4 p.m. on Sunday.

This short fast will help you “clean house” from all the food in your system that has not been eliminated. You’ll go through a process called “autophagy.” During this phase, your body will reduce the damaged cells in your body, rid itself of undigested protein and regenerate mitochondria in your cells. This helps reduce inflammation and clean out the “faulty parts” within the trillions of cells your body contains.


As your weight increases on this transformation, you’ll need to increase your calorie consumption on a weekly basis, which I address in the daily videos. You should spread your macros over six meals (plus shakes) every day except your fast day. Your body will crave the calories and nutrients when it becomes physically stressed from your intense workouts.

My nutrition program emphasizes consuming the most highly bioavailable foods possible, focusing on quality over quantity. Also, be sure to include your KAGED MUSCLE RE-KAGED and Kasein protein shakes within your requirements. We’ll talk more about supplements in my overview to supplementation.

Here’s a list of the foods and beverages that I recommend you build your diet from — and consume every day.

Protein: Good sources include chicken breast, turkey breast, cod, anchovies, pollock, sardines, salmon, organ meats such as liver, anchovies, lean cuts of steak, elk, bison, egg whites and whole eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, tofu, tempeh, plus KAGED MUSCLE’s RE-KAGED and Kasein. These protein foods provide the amino acids needed to recover and build muscle tissue. It’s important that you emphasize these very lean protein sources I’ve recommended.

Carbs: Your workouts on this program are highly glycolytic, which means that you need to consume slow-digesting carbs to get the most energy from your foods that are high in carbohydrates. These carbs will help your body perform this intense 8-Week Muscle-Building Trainer workout day after day. You’ll feel better, and you’ll recover and grow more effectively when you consume the carbs I recommend: yams and sweet potato, brown rice, oats and oat bran, quinoa, Ezekiel bread, and grits.

Fiber foods: To gain the greatest benefits from my program, you also need to consume plenty of fiber from sources such as vegetables (broccoli, kale, spinach, and other leafy vegetables), as well as beans and lentils. These foods not only help you maintain health, but they also support muscle growth while reducing body fat. In order for you to sustain perfect gut health, you must consume a portion of vegetables high in fiber with each meal. Switch things up to keep your meals interesting. Personally, I prefer salads with mixed greens.

Dietary fats: To ensure we optimize hormone support and provide a clean source of muscle-building calories, I suggest consuming healthy fats from avocado, coconut and extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, egg yolks, oily fish such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies, almond butter, and MCT and Omega-3 supplements that are high in EPA and DHA.

Water: Consuming plenty of water every day is crucial. It’s an essential nutrient we tend to forget. Keeping your body hydrated is absolutely crucial to burning fat, building muscle, supporting recovery, and guaranteeing optimized performance in every workout. On this program you’ll need to drink at least one gallon of water per day, and maybe more, depending on the climate you live in. You’ll want to add Hydra-Charge to your water 2 or 3 times per day so you’re able to benefit from the ORAC blend of antioxidants and the five naturally occurring electrolytes, derived from tender coconut water.


Here’s an example of my daily diet plan. Feel free to change up your foods from day to day. In fact, you should for a broader spectrum of nutrients from healthy foods.

MEAL AND TIMING FOOD Workout Day Quantity Non-workout Day Quantity
Breakfast Egg whites 8 large 10 large
Oat pancakes 8-10 oz. 4 oz.
Spinach 8 oz. 8 oz.
Mid-morning snack Chicken breast 8 oz. 10 oz.
Yam 1 large 1 small (or half a large)
Green salad 8 oz. 8 oz.
Lunch Tilapia 10 oz. 12 oz.
Quinoa 8 oz. 6 oz.
Kale 8 oz. 8 oz.
Mixed peppers To taste To taste
Mid-afternoon snack Chicken breast 6 oz. 6 oz.
Broccoli 4 oz. 4 oz.
Zucchini 4 oz. 4 oz.
Pre-workout PRE-KAGED 1 scoop before weight training 1 scoop before cardio
Post-workout RE-KAGED 1 scoop but before cardio 1 scoop but before cardio
Dinner Cod 10 oz. 10 oz.
Cabbage 8 oz. 8 oz.
Cauliflower 6 oz. 4 oz.
Ezekiel Bread 2 slices 2 slices
Bed-time meal Kasein 1 serving 1 serving
Frozen Barries 1/2 cup 1/2 cup


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