There are two types of supplement brands.
Underdosed, Cheap, High-Margins
These brands use low-quality ingredients to make a $10 protein and sell it to you for $40. Think about some of the biggest brand names you’d see on the grocery store shelves. These brands turn a profit by making something cheap sound great.
Effectively-Dosed, Expensive, High-Margins
These brands make a great product, have a solid brand, and do all the marketing possible. But, they charge you for it. You pay a premium for these products becaus they need “perceived value” to pay for all their marketing efforts.
Kaged: Effectively-Dosed, Health-Conscious, Low-Margins
How can we use premium ingredients, health-conscious formulas, and third-party testing, all at an affordable price? We take low margins. It would be much easier to charge a premium for Kaged products, but when we started this brand in 2015, we set out to create the best formulas at an affordable price. How do we make money? We take just high enough margins to keep running the brand but low enough so that they are competitive and affordable. We are betting that the gym rats, fitness gurus, and health nuts will identify Kaged as the premium brand that doesn’t break the bank, making it the clear choice in every category.