Fish oil is one of the most popular, highly recommend, and well-researched supplements around. Why? Well, that’s because the fats from fish contains a class of polyunsaturated fats called “omega-3s,” which have shown to provide an array of benefits.
What Are Omega-3s?
In simple terms, omega-3s are “good fats.” They’re about as good as fats get.
They’re also classified as “essential fatty acids,” which means we have to get them through our diet or supplementation. Our bodies cannot produce them on their own. These good fats play a crucial role in brain function, heart health, and reducing inflammation.
There are two types of omega-3 fatty acids that have shown to support brain, heart, and joint health. They are EPA and DHA, which are both found in fish and other seafood.

Why Supplement With Omega-3s?
In theory, we get these health fats from our diets. You’ll find an abundance of omega-3s in fatty fish and bodybuilding staple foods like salmon, sardines, and tuna. However, the modern American diet typically doesn’t have enough.
Most Americans don’t consume enough omega 3s. (The average omega 3 index levels at 3-4%. However, the optimal range is 8-12%.)
The Solution Seems Simple: Turn to an Omega-3 Supplement. The Problem?
Adding a supplement can be a convenient way to help you get into that optimal range. You’ll find omega-3 fish oil supplements all over the place. You’ll see them in supermarkets as well as big pharmacy stores.
It may be tempting to go for these convenient, and probably cheap options. However, you should know some of the common problems with these mass-market omega-3 fish oils. Let’s dive in.
Problem #1: Many Omega-3 Supplements Use Mass-Farmed, Antibiotic-Laced Fish
The first problem begins from the source of the fish. Today, much of the salmon in grocery stores as well as the source of fish oil is some supplements comes from farmed fish.
Most fish oil from mass-market sources are laced with antibiotics and swim in their own sewage. They can even contain high amounts of heavy metals like mercury. These farmed fish often live short, dirty lives. They often are stuck in a tank together with little opportunity for movement and literally swim in their own bodily fluids.
A Nasty, Fishy Aftertaste
This is not something we would want to consume, and we hope it’s not something you would want to either. The “fishy aftertaste” common from omega-3 supplements is sometimes a consequence of poor sourcing or poor management of the oil after that leads it to putrefy.
The Solution: Certified Wild-Caught, Sustainable Fish
We made our Omega-3 supplement because we wanted to do things differently. That began with where these healthy fats come from.
All Kaged Omega-3 comes from 100% wild-caught fish off the coast of Chile. In fact, it’s even Friend of the Sea certified.
This is a third-party certification awarded for sustainable practices. That means our fish oil doesn’t lead to overfishing and environmental destruction. It also means the fish live in the wild, where they should, compared to their mass-farmed counterparts.
It’s better for you, the fish, and the environment. That's why we call it the clean and clear fish oil.
No Fishy Aftertaste
We begin with quality-sourced fish oil, so there’s no fishy aftertaste. (Remember, as with all Kaged orders, if you’re not satisfied you’re backed by our 60-day return policy.)

Problem #2: Many Omega-3 Supplements Don’t Have The Optimal Dose
Next, you have to look at the actual dose and the serving size. This may sound simple enough, but there are a few things to watch out for.
The Difference Between Fish Oil Dose and Omega 3 Dose
The typical, run-of-the-mill first oil supplement contains 1000mg of fish oil. That’s a good dose right? Well, of that 1000mg of fish oil, only 300mg are omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA).
So you’re really only getting 300mg of the ingredient you’re paying for. (We talk more about how to check the dose in this article on fish oil vs omega 3s.)
Next, you’ll want to check how many capsules are in a serving size, and how many servings are in the bottle. It may sound like a good financial deal, but you have to run the numbers.
The Solution: Check The Dose!
This means checking the dose of the omega-3s, not the total fish oil.
Each serving of Kaged Omega-3 is two capsules. Each two-capsule servings contains 3000mg of fish oil, and 2000mg of omega-3 fatty acids.
Compared to the typical 300mg dose, this is over 6x the strength, and gives you a research-backed dose to support brain, heart, and joint health.*
If you eat a fair amount of seafood, and only want half the serving, just one capsule of Kaged Omega-3 contains over 3x the omega-3 content of a typical fish oil supplement.
You’ll also notice that we share the exact ratio of EPA to DHA, with 1100mg of EPA and 900mg of DHA.
Problem #3: Absorption of Omega-3s
Finally, the form of the fish oil may not lend itself well to absorption. You see, when most fish oil gets processed, it must be converted to a form called the ethyl ester form. This is an artificial form.
The Solution: The Triglyceride Form Found in Nature
In contrast to the ethyl ester form, the triglyceride form is how omega-3s are found in nature, in fish themselves.
In Kaged Omega 3, we use the triglyceride (TG) form of omega-3s that digest easily and are highly-absorbable.
The triglyceride fatty acid form found in Kaged Omega-3 more closely resembles the omega-3 fatty acids found in nature. This makes it easy for our bodies to absorb and make the most of all the benefits.
The Obvious Choice: Kaged Omega-3

Give all of this, from the original sourcing, to the right dose, to the right form, the choice between Kaged Omega 3 and your average mass-market fish oil is clear. If that’s what you’re taking right now, then it’s time to switch to Kaged and feel the difference for yourself.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.