Supplements play a key role in your fat-loss transformation on Operation Aesthetic. Supplements aid you in recovering from intense workouts, help fuel your body while cutting calories, provide the energy you need to get through my challenging workouts, and also support the release of fat from storage. Yes, a key ingredient in Kaged® weight-loss products even enhances your body’s ability to release stored fat. And then you can use that stored energy for better, longer workouts. Overall, this program can ultimately help you rip up, carve in detail, and even increase muscle mass.
It’s critical to use high-quality supplements—I want to make sure I’m providing my body with the products that support growth, fat-loss, and performance. For that reason, I only use Kaged Muscle supplements because of their quality. These products go through thorough lab and gym testing, providing you with the best results. All of the KM products I’m recommending are made from the highest quality ingredients, including premium, patented ingredients. In addition, all Kaged Muscle supplements are third-party certified to be free of banned substances, and they contain no artificial colors or flavors.
I’m providing you with a list of supplements you should get in on your training days as well as notes on how to adapt them during your rest days. Then I’ve put all that info into a chart so you know the timing and dosing on your training and rest days. Finally, I’ve put together a budget version of this KM stack so you know which ones to emphasize on your first diet program if cash is an issue.
Here’s my list of the supplements I recommend you take while you’re following Operation Aesthetic:
This pre-workout helps prime me before workouts when I’m cutting calories on programs like Operation Aesthetic. PRE-KAGED® features ingredients that include CarnoSyn® beta-alanine, BetaPower® betaine, fermented amino acids such as BCAAs and pure L-Citrulline, patented Creatine HCl, PurCaf® Organic Caffeine, SPECTRA antioxidant blend, coconut water powder, and more. I like to get in this pre-workout product about 30 minutes before each weight-training session. PRE-KAGED supports heightened mental focus, better performance and—most importantly—energy to blast through tough workouts.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in a serving about 30–45 minutes before every weight-training workout.
IN-KAGED® helps keep me going during my workouts, even when I’m cutting calories. Intra-workout nutrition is critical for helping you perform while you’re trying to lose fat on reduced whole-food intake. IN-KAGED helps keep you in the zone that PRE-KAGED put you in. With ingredients that included fermented BCAAs, pure L-Citrulline, Coconut Water Powder, Taurine, L-Tyrosine, CarnoSyn® beta alanine, and PurCaf® Organic Caffeine, your body will continue to be nourished for peak performance. Delivering a steady stream of ingredients that will help your performance, IN-KAGED can help you crush your Operation Aesthetic workouts, especially as you get to the end of these challenging training sessions.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in a dose of IN-KAGED during every workout, and try to finish it before you complete your challenging last couple sets at the end of your workout.

This post-workout protein provides essential ingredients that support recovery. After you finish your Operation Aesthetic workouts, you need to prioritize recovery to ensure you can perform at your best during your future workouts. With ingredients such as whey protein isolate combined with ProHydrolase® digestive enzymes, patented Creatine HCl, BetaPowerÒ, and fermented L-Glutamine, RE-KAGED helps you recover so that you’re ready to hit the gym for every session in this program.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in RE-KAGED immediately after every weight-training workout. You can also add a dose after your last cardio session on your fourth-day-of-the-week cardio.
One of the best proteins to consume at other times of day is Micropure® Whey Protein Isolate. That’s because it’s a high-quality source of protein that gets into your system quickly. While whey protein is fast digesting on its own, the inclusion of ProHydrolase® digestive enzymes enhances absorption. RE-KAGED also contains Micropure Whey Protein Isolate, but it’s best to use RE-KAGED after workouts and Micropure Whey Protein Isolate at other times of day.
FOR BEST RESULTS: I like to take this product about 60 minutes before workouts, separate from my pre-workout supps. I add in whole foods such as cream of brown rice and blueberries to fuel my workouts and protect my muscle mass.

Glutamine is the most plentiful amino acid in the human body, and it can be synthesized from other amino acids. Still, your body has a greater need for glutamine when you’re on an intense training program while dieting, so it makes sense to supplement glutamine to protect your muscles from breakdown for their amino acids. Fermented Glutamine is derived from vegetable sources rather than bird feathers, animal fur, or human hair like many comparable products are.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in 3 servings of fermented Glutamine each day while following Operation Aesthetic. Good times to take this product are upon rising, before workouts, and before bedtime.
Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) support muscle protein synthesis. This group of amino acids includes leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These aminos are unique in their ability to support anabolism (muscle building) while reducing catabolism (muscle breakdown) from intense training. Because your body cannot make BCAAs, you need to get them from your food and supplements, and you have a much greater demand for them when you’re training with intensity while dieting. Kaged Muscle® fermented BCAAs are derived from vegetable sources rather than bird feathers, animal fur, or human hair as many other products are.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in BCAAs when you want to support muscle protein synthesis. Good times to take them include first thing in the morning, before workouts, or before bedtime. Make sure to get in at least one dose per day.

This creatine product is a highly soluble form of creatine monohydrate. In fact, its innovative microencapsulation technology is exclusive to Kaged Muscle® , so you won’t get a creatine monohydrate like it anywhere else. Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid compound found in protein foods such as meat and fish. During weight-training supplemental creatine can be used to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency in the body that fuels weight training. In this way, creatine supports between set recovery during intense weight-training workouts.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in 2 doses per day. Good times to take CreaClear® include before and after workouts.

When you’re dieting and following a challenging training program, you need to replenish valuable electrolytes and minerals that you lose through sweat. To help stay hydrated I sip on Hydra-Charge® throughout the day. Staying hydrated is vital to both your workout performance as well as your recovery when you’re dieting. Hydra-Charge provides key electrolytes, including calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. It also contains freeze-dried coconut water and is combined with SPECTRA, which contains a blend of fruit, vegetable, and herbal extracts for antioxidant support.*
FOR BEST RESULTS: While you can sip on it throughout the day, I recommend getting in a dose before, during, or after workouts, or at any other time to support general hydration. I go with at least 2 servings a day.

This product contains potent ingredients that help support weight loss. These include green tea extract, Gymnema sylvestre extract, capsicum fruit, and chromium complex, all of which can help you accelerate your results on an advanced diet and training program like Operation Aesthetic. This product works through multiple mechanisms to support weight loss. These include mobilizing fat from storage and increasing thermogenesis.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Get in 3 servings (2 capsules) per day before meals.

Research shows that carnitine, a compound derived from amino acids, helps release stored fat that you can then use for energy. You’ll perform your morning cardio before consuming calories to encourage fat release. Getting in L-Carnitine before cardio supports the release of free fatty acids providing energy on an otherwise empty stomach. It does the latter by transporting fatty acids into your cells where your mitochondria—the engines in your cells—oxidize them to promote energy. Carnitine also promotes post-exercise recovery.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Take 3–4 servings of L-Carnitine each day—get in one before each of your cardio sessions. You can take another dose of L-Carnitine before your weight-training session or immediately after if you’re performing cardio right after your weights workout.
Here’s the daily supplement stack I recommend for your weight-training days. Make the adjustments for your fourth day of each week when you only perform cardio. Also, look at my rest day adjustments for your seventh day of each week, when you don’t perform cardio or weights, and you also re-evaluate your success on Operation Aesthetic.
Before early-morning cardio
Clean Burn®
1 serving
Upon rising or before cardio
1 serving
Upon rising or before cardio
Fermented Glutamine
1 scoop
Upon rising or before cardio
Fermented BCAAs
1 scoop
Upon rising or before cardio
During morning cardio
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
Pre-workout meal (60 minutes before)
Micropure® Whey Isolate
1 scoop
As needed
Pre-workout (30 minutes before)
1 scoop
Take if desired before cardio
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
Fermented BCAAs
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
1 scoop
Take 1 dose on rest days to keep your body fueled with creatine
Intra-weight-training workout
1 scoop
Take during cardio, but skip on your 7th day rests.
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
1 scoop
After cardio or as needed
Fermented Glutamine
1 scoop
Fermented BCAAs
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
1 scoop
Get in 1 dose on rest days
Before lunch
Clean Burn
Before second cardio session
1 serving
Take L-Carnitine before all cardio sessions and on rest days
Before dinner
Clean Burn
1 serving
Take this on all rest days
Before bedtime
Fermented Glutamine
1 scoop
Get in a dose at this time on all rest days
As a young bodybuilder, I understand that you may be more motivated than flush with cash. The good news is that if you follow my nutrition and training recommendations on Operation Aesthetic then you’ll lose body fat while sparing muscle mass. Still, you should dip your toes in the waters of supplements to better support your results.
Here are the supplements I recommend, in order:
1) PRE-KAGED—Motivation is near the top of the list when you’re low on fuel.
2) IN-KAGED—Completing workouts while you’re fully fueled is crucial to achieving your goals.
3) RE-KAGED—Recovery is key when you’re dieting.
4) Hydra-Charge—Supporting hydration is crucial on any program.
5) Clean Burn—Mobilizing fat from storage while you’re depleted helps you achieve your goal of burning it off.
Before early-morning cardio
Clean Burn®
1 serving
Upon rising or before cardio
During morning cardio
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
Pre-workout (30 minutes before)
1 scoop
Take if desired before cardio
1 scoop
During cardio or as needed on full rest days
Intra-weight-training workout
1 scoop
Take during cardio, but skip on your 7th day rests
1 scoop
After cardio or as needed
Before lunch
Clean Burn
1 serving
Before dinner
Clean Burn
1 serving
Take this on all rest days
Download the Supplement Guide